Sunday, September 18, 2016

Introduction to Learning The Zohar

The Redemption and The Saving of Our Souls Depends on This

With Praise to Hashem, blessed be He, we are grateful to be able to see the Holy Zohar being translated into the English Language. This will allow all to study the Zohar in a consistent way and thereby purify their souls and cleanse themselves from all sin. This will also arouse our souls with a burning love and desire toward Hashem, blessed be His name forever. For the Redemption of our people and the saving of our souls is dependent on this study; as the Ben Ish Chai of blessed memory prophecied over 100 years ago - In the future, at the time of The Redemption, the studying of the secrets of the Torah will be as common as the reading of Tehillim.

Our Rabbis of blessed memory have said, "In the generation that the Mashiach will come, truth (emet) will be lacking (ne'ederet) (Sanhedrin 97a)." It is explained in the book 'Benayahu Ben Yehoyada' by the Ben Ish Chai that this statement is also to be understood as follows, "In the generation that the Mashiach will come, 'truth' - that is, the study of the secrets of the Torah will increase and be studied in the masses (eder - in flocks). In these times (over 100 years ago) there are individuals who are engaged in the study of the Kabbala, each one in his own hidden corner. However, in the future everyone will be engaged in its' study just as commonly as people read the Tehillim. There will be flocks and flocks of people learning the Kabbala in the study halls."
Blessed be Hashem, for we have merited to witness the exact fulfillment of his prophecy today.

More on the way...